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Music Is Not Noise - White Paper launched in response to WHO Report.

Posted by Andy Lenthall on

A White Paper entitled Music is Not Noise has been created by associations of live music, including the UK's Music Venue Trust, across Europe in response to the World Health Organisation (WHO) October 2018 report “Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Region”. A report that the collective associations believe went significantly beyond the requested scope (transportation noise sources, personal electronic devices, toys and wind turbines), and undertook also to study a concept they labelled “Leisure Noise”, in which they included “nightclubs… concerts or live music venues”. The White Paper, brought together by Live DMA, argues that this categorisation of music as noise is incorrect and that the report has potentially serious implications for the live music industry at all levels if it is not challenged. In the UK, the Music Venue Trust is distributing the White Paper to local authorities and is encouraging all stakeholders to do the same.

For more and to download the white paper CLICK HERE

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