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More Reduction in PMSE Spectrum - Ofcom Launches Consultation

Posted by Shopify API on

Ofcom is today consulting on plans to make spectrum available for users of wireless audio equipment in the programme making and special events (PMSE) sector.

PMSE relies on radio spectrum for wireless applications that are essential to the production and staging of a wide range of live and broadcast entertainment events.

The planned release of the 700 MHz band for mobile services will reduce the amount of spectrum available for audio PMSE use – such as wireless microphones and in-ear monitors.

Ofcom intends to mitigate the effect of this reduction in spectrum access, with a focus on finding appropriate, alternative spectrum for PMSE users.

Today’s consultation looks at a technical sharing analysis of the 960-1164 MHz and 1525-1559 MHz bands, and a proposal to allow access to spectrum in the 960-1164 MHz band. Audio PMSE users would share access to this band with aeronautical radio navigation services.

The document also sets out an assessment of spectrum demand and supply for audio links, talkback, telemetry and telecommand, inviting stakeholders to comment on the provisional conclusions.

The closing date for responses is 18 December 2015.

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