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New Laser Guidance draft released for comment

Posted by Shopify API on

 The Radiation Safety of Lasers used for Display Purposes HS(G)95 published by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has now been revised and is now to be produced and maintained by PLASA for the entertainment industry. This is in response to the HSE's current policy of assessing the suitability of their current guidance and whether certain specific guidance documents would be better produced by the industry in which they are used. HS(G)95 was assessed as a document that should be owned by the entertainment industry and its content produced by those who are experts in their field. PLASA has been invited to facilitate the revision process and offers the final draft document of the proposed revised guidance for consultation starting 19th October 2015.

The creation of this guidance is based on HS(G)95 and HSE is being consulted about the revision of the new guide and PLASA is currently in discussions with HSE to secure an endorsement from HSE.

To view the draft guidance and comment click here

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