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Purple Guide Publishers Award Grants

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The team behind the publication of the Purple Guide, The Events Industry Forum (EIF), has initially awarded two grants from its surplus funds.

EIF Ltd, which manages the funding, has announced that two grants of £2500 each have been awarded.

The first goes to welfare specialist Penny Mellor to produce a “Welfare Handbook” for events, collating information on protocols and procedures for providing welfare services at all types of event.   The ‘handbook’ will be published by EIF as part of the Purple Guide.

The second grant goes to the Association of Festival Organisers to fund six event students to attend their conference where they will have the opportunity to interface with the real world of event management.

'We hope these will be the first of many grants we will be able to make to support the development of the UK event industry' says EIF Secretary Jim Winship.   “We are running the Purple Guide entirely on a not-for-profit basis with the aim of investing the surplus funds back into the industry, so the amount we are able to fund in future depends very much on sales but we are hopeful if will be a significant sum.

”The panel chose these first projects on the basis of their potential benefit to the industry as a whole.”

The Purple Guide, formerly published by the Health & Safety Executive (HSE), is considered the ‘Bible’ to good practice for those running events in the UK and is widely used for reference by event organisers and enforcement agencies.

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