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Single Pole Connector Standards - Have Your Say.

Posted by Shopify API on

Standards are dull and boring and, as some wags point out, there are too many of them. But they are there for a reason, generally to make things safer, easier or interoperable. One area that fits into the latter category is the compatibility of different single-pole connectors from companies. Generally referred to as ‘PowerLock’ connectors so as to distinguish them from CamLok or BACs, they are not all made the same, which in some cases has given rise to poor connections and overheating with the attendant safety concerns.

It is a subject that the ABTT has been looking into as there has been sufficient problems to prompt the issue to be raised with BSI Committee CPW/4 (which is responsible for the old BAC connector standard). As such BSI is hosting a meeting to discuss whether a standard for the connectors is needed and to assess the case for developing one.

So if you manufacture such connectors or have an interest you are welcome to attend on 1st June at BSI in Chiswick, West London. Please note that space is limited, so preferences will be given to manufacturers and association/organisation representatives, although input is welcome and encouraged from end-users so do send in comments even if you can’t make it. Please email james@eade.uk.com to register your interest.

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