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The Business Visits & Events Partnership is leading industry efforts to ensure the Government’s Events Strategy, launched just prior to the General Election by the Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), is implemented without delay.

The Report recommends the establishment of an Events Industry Board to be co-chaired by DCMS, BIS and the Industry.  The new Board would have the specific task of facilitating a more competitive environment for the industry in Britain and identifying and supporting international and domestic events aligned with the Government’s economic priority sectors.

John Whittingdale, the new Secretary of State at DCMS, has responded to the Industry’s request to fulfil the Events Strategy by acknowledging the importance of business tourism and expressing his wish to work closely with the industry.  Tracey Crouch, the new Tourism Minister has also said that she looks forward to maintaining the good working relationship and discussing the next steps on the Business Visits and Events Strategy.

The new Secretary of State at the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills, Sajid Javid, who launched the Strategy whilst Secretary of State at DCMS, is now in a strong position to ensure the benefits of trade growth, inward investment, scientific research and knowledge exchange from a stronger business events sector are delivered. His Department has already indicated that they have started consideration of building on the Strategy, in discussions with Officials and with the No 10 Policy Unit, to focus on relevant economic sectors and regions of the Country where the greatest opportunities exist.

Michael Hirst, Chairman of the Business Visits and Events Partnership said, “I am reassured by the feedback I have received that the Strategy is very much on Ministers’ radar. Obviously new Ministers need some time to consider all the various policy areas in which they are involved. However it is clear that with the new Ministers already having a strong understanding of the benefits from business tourism, through their past membership of the Culture Media and Sport Select Committee, and with Sajid Javid, as the new Secretary of State at BIS and the original architect of the Events Strategy, we should be able to expect the full support of the two Government Departments on which we most depend to move our industry forward”.

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