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WRC-19: Culture frequencies remain secured for the use of wireless microphones at live events

Posted by Andy Lenthall on

The World Radiocommunications Conference (WRC-19) closed its three-week meeting on 22 November in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. The Wider Spectrum group and the PMSE community underlined the importance of continued and secured access to radio spectrum of broadcasting and wireless microphone technology such as those use for live events. 
Member states at the WRC accepted the compromise reached at WRC-15 regarding the agenda item on the UHF band for the next WRC-23. Technical and regulatory studies are soon to be launched. The goal of those studies is to demonstrate the use the UHF frequencies in more effective and efficient manner. This means that everyone must continue to work to ensure that sufficient and suitable cultural frequencies are available in the long term – manufacturers, distributors, artists and their respective associations, broadcasters and politicians.
Wireless microphone technology is used in all types of live performances. They amplify the sound from the performers so that it is audible for the audience and allow supporting facilities from communication between technicians during the performance. In this context, avoidance of interference or disruptions are an important concern. Each microphone needs its own frequency, which must not be disturbed during a performance. Only a specific range of frequencies in the UHF are suitable for this. At the same time, the sector needs to be able access a bandwith of up to 100 Mhz, as a show or live event can require up to 100 microphones.

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